gabbit The top rated phone service provider for small and mid-sized businesses.*

Making the Most Out of Auto Attendants, Call Trees and Call Queues

Making the Most Out of Auto Attendants, Call Trees and Call Queues The reasons your business makes the switch to VoIP are simplicity and savings. Gabbit’s state-of-the-art technology is simple to learn. Scaling is no problem, and saving money is the easiest decision your business can make. Once your business cloud phone communication

6G – How We Got Here and Where It Will Take Us Next

6G - How We Got Here and Where It Will Take Us NextMobile communication technology has experienced serious technological advances in the last four decades. Car phones and bag phones are a distant memory to the Gen X population, and young adults today can’t imagine a cell phone with an external antenna. So how did

Pagers- Still a Thing

Pagers- Still a Thing “Page me.” These words were once widely spoken across a generation that used Blockbuster to watch feature films and thought dial-up internet was revolutionary. Pagers are still in use well into the 21st century and especially popular among healthcare professionals in the hospital setting. Pagers provide extremely reliable and secure