What is Latency?

VoIP technology is a reliable and lightning-fast solution for business communications. You must choose a VoIP provider that can overcome potential problems. One of the issues that can significantly impact the quality of your phone calls is latency. What exactly is latency, and why does it matter so much? More importantly, how can Gabbit’s state-of-the-art cloud-based communications system help overcome latency issues to ensure crystal-clear, reliable conversations? Read on.

What is latency?

Latency refers to the time delay between when a signal is sent and when it is received. In terms of VoIP communication, it’s the time it takes for your voice data to travel from your device to the recipient’s device. This delay can affect the flow of conversation, leading to awkward pauses, overlaps, and overall frustration. In simple terms, imagine you’re on a phone call, and you say something to the person on the other end. If there’s a noticeable delay before they hear what you’ve said, that’s latency in action. Even a second or two delay can make conversations difficult and uncomfortable.

What contributes to latency?

❌ Network congestion. One of the most common causes of latency is network congestion. When too many devices use the same network, the data transmission can slow down, leading to delays in voice communication.

The further the data travels, the more likely latency will occur. International calls or long-distance communications can often experience delays simply due to the distance the data must travel across servers and networks.

❌ Packet loss and jitter. In VoIP communication, your voice is broken down into data packets and sent over the internet. If packets are lost along the way or delayed in their arrival, this can lead to noticeable lag or jitter, where the conversation sounds choppy.

❌ Poor internet connection. A low-quality or unstable internet connection is another major contributor to latency. VoIP relies on a strong and consistent internet connection to transmit data smoothly; without it, communication suffers.

What does Gabbit do to prevent latency?

At Gabbit, we understand how frustrating latency can be for businesses that rely on high-quality, real-time communication. That’s why we’ve designed our cloud-based communications system to minimize latency as much as possible. Here’s how:

  • Gabbit’s state-of-the-art VoIP prioritizes voice traffic

Gabbit’s system is optimized to prioritize voice data over other types of internet traffic. This process, known as Quality of Service (QoS), ensures that your voice data gets the bandwidth it needs to move quickly and efficiently through the network, even when there’s high internet usage on your connection.

  • Reliable cloud data centers

Our cloud-based communications platform is strategically located in state-of-the-art data centers to minimize the distance data needs to travel between you and your recipients. This geographical proximity reduces latency, especially for businesses making long-distance or international calls.

  • Optimizes packet routing

To prevent packet loss and ensure consistent communication, Gabbit’s system utilizes optimized packet routing. This process finds the most efficient path for your data to travel, avoiding network congestion and ensuring that your voice packets arrive on time and in the correct order.

  • Built-in redundancy and reliability

We know that reliability is critical for your business. Gabbit’s cloud infrastructure is built with redundancy, meaning multiple backup routes and systems are in place to handle data transmission. This reduces the risk of lost packets and helps ensure a smooth, uninterrupted connection.

  • High-quality codecs

Gabbit uses high-quality voice codecs that compress voice data efficiently while maintaining sound clarity. These codecs help reduce the amount of data being transmitted without sacrificing audio quality, which in turn helps to reduce latency.

Latency can make or break the quality of a VoIP phone call,
but with Gabbit’s cutting-edge cloud-based communications system,
you don’t have to worry about delays.

We’ve designed our platform to prioritize voice quality, reduce latency, and ensure that your business communications are always reliable, no matter where you’re calling from.

With Gabbit, you’ll experience clear, seamless conversations—free of awkward pauses, choppy audio, or frustrating delays. If you’re ready to experience latency-free VoIP, contact Gabbit today at 855-542-2248 or sales@gabbit.com.