Texting or Calling? The Best Approach to Customer Communication

It’s no secret; the way we communicate has drastically changed. In the age of smartphones and instant gratification, businesses must decide the best way to stay in touch with their customers. Two primary channels have emerged as front runners in the race to connect: phone calls and text messages. Each method possesses a unique set of advantages and drawbacks, making the choice between them a nuanced decision for businesses aiming to establish meaningful connections with their audience. The cloud-based communication experts at Gabbit are here unravel the best approach for the unique needs of your business.

All About Texting

Advantages of texting your customers include:

  • Texting is convenient for both parties. Customers can respond at their own pace, and businesses can send information without requiring immediate attention.
  • Not intrusive. Text messages are less intrusive than phone calls. Customers can read and respond when it suits them, without being interrupted.
  • Concise and interactive. Text messages are ideal for quick updates, short resolutions, or confirmations. Technology in texting makes it interactive, allowing for customers to click to confirm appointments or complete a survey.
  • Text messages provide a written record of communication, making it easy for both the customer and the business to reference information later.
  • Cost-effective. In many cases, texting can be more cost-effective than making phone calls, especially for businesses that deal with a large volume of customer interactions.
  • Wider reach. Text messages have a broader reach, as people are more likely to read and respond to text messages than answer phone calls from unknown numbers. Available on almost any device, texts reach customers regardless of location or situation.

Disadvantages of texting your customers include:

  • Limited expressiveness. Text messages lack the nuances of tone and voice that phone calls provide. This can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.
  • Character limitations. Some platforms have character limits for text messages, which may restrict the amount of information that can be conveyed in a single message.
  • Need for mobile devices. Texting assumes that customers have access to and regularly check their mobile devices. This may not be the case for all demographics, especially an older population.
  • Security concerns. Depending on the nature of the information being communicated, there may be security concerns with transmitting sensitive data through text messages.
  • Urgency and complexity issues. Texting is not ideal for matters that require immediate attention, as well as difficult to handle complex issues that require nuanced explanations.

All About Phone Calls

Advantages of reaching customers with phone calls include

  • Personal connection. Voice allows for natural communication, conveying tone and building rapport. Phone calls foster a more personal connection, allowing you to build rapport and empathy. Hearing someone’s voice can create a sense of trust and understanding, crucial for resolving complex issues or building long-term relationships.
  • Complex information. Technical explanations or emotional matters are better conveyed through the nuances of voice communication. Calls allow for richer dialogues and deeper understanding.
  • Real-time problem solving. Phone calls enable immediate clarification and problem-solving. Addressing concerns in the moment can enhance customer satisfaction and prevent frustration.
  • Urgency and importance. A phone call can signal the urgency or importance of a message, prompting customers to prioritize your communication. This is particularly useful for critical updates, confirmations, or notifications.

Disadvantages of reaching customers with phone calls include

  • Time-consuming. Phone calls can be time-consuming, especially if the conversation goes into extensive detail. This might not be ideal for quick updates or straightforward information sharing.
  • Phone calls can be perceived as intrusive, particularly if they interrupt a busy schedule. Customers may not always appreciate unexpected calls, and this can lead to a negative experience.
  • Missed calls. Not all calls are answered, and customers may not always check voicemails promptly. This can result in delays in communication and potential misunderstandings.
  • Limited documentation. Unlike text messages, phone calls don’t provide a written record of the conversation. This lack of documentation can lead to misunderstandings or difficulties in referencing details discussed during the call.
  • Scheduling challenges. Coordinating a phone call may require finding a suitable time that works for both parties. This can be challenging, especially in a business setting where schedules are often hectic.

Whether you opt for phone calls, texting, or both,
connectivity with your customers is paramount.

Gabbit provides extremely reliable VoIP for your business at the best prices available. Gabbit is ready answer all questions you have about texting, calling, and all of our award-winning cloud-based communication solutions. We are experts in everything VoIP. Gabbit gives enterprise-level features with superior cloud phone technology at a fraction of the cost of traditional phone systems. Choose the efficiency, scalability, and reputation-building service of Gabbit’s business VoIP. Contact Gabbit today at 1-855-542-2248.