Multiple Business Numbers Can Hurt SEO

We live in a digital universe, and a strong online presence is crucial for any business. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a significant role in that presence, influencing how easily potential customers can find you. One often-overlooked factor that can negatively impact your SEO is having multiple business phone numbers listed online. With reliable cloud-based communications from Gabbit, your business can easily port phone numbers, and more importantly, your business can have all outgoing and published phone numbers be the same. This is where organic search engine optimization comes into play.

Let’s take a look at the importance of a single access number for your business inside the digital universe and inside the consumer mind.

NAP consistency is key. NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number. Search engines like Google rely heavily on NAP consistency across the web to determine a business’s legitimacy and searchability. If your business phone number appears differently on various platforms – your website, online directories, social media profiles, etc. – it creates confusion for search engines. This inconsistency can lead to a lower SEO ranking, making it harder for potential customers to find you online.

Trust and credibility are on the line. Multiple phone numbers can raise red flags for potential customers. They might question the legitimacy of your business or wonder if they’ve reached the correct company. A consistent phone number builds trust and credibility, establishing a clear and reliable way for customers to connect with you.

An improved user experience is possible. Imagine a potential customer finding your business online, only to discover a phone number that doesn’t match the one on your website. This inconsistency creates a frustrating user experience and could deter them from contacting you altogether. Maintaining a single, consistent phone number simplifies the process for potential customers and improves their overall user experience.

Consider the option of call tracking. While a single, consistent phone number is essential for SEO, businesses may still want to track the source of their calls for marketing purposes. This is where call tracking comes in. Call tracking solutions allow you to use a single phone number publicly while assigning unique tracking codes to different marketing campaigns or online listings. This way, you can maintain SEO benefits with a consistent number while still gathering valuable call tracking data.

A single business number has tangible SEO benefits. Maintaining one business number can enhance your SEO in several ways. One consistent number can elevate your presence in local search engine results, so connecting to your targeted geographical market is that much easier. In addition, customers are also more likely to trust a business with consistent contact information. Finally, a singular contact point ensures the integrity of your business data across the web. Does this mean that you’re limited to just a single line? Absolutely not! Gabbit’s small business cloud system enables your business to maintain a single incoming and outgoing number while scaling to hundreds of simultaneous calls at once.

Our digital landscape requires businesses
to harness every tool available to stay competitive.

From considering SEO tactics to making budget friendly choices, Gabbit’s VoIP technology is the smart choice for your organization. Our cloud-based communication solutions offer unique and countless benefits over traditional phone lines, including reliable service, cost savings, and increased productivity. We serve all size businesses across all 50 states. Gabbit is continually expanding our network and adding customer requested features, now numbering over 70 unique options. Say more and spend less with Gabbit.